“I lost my dog!” is truly a heart-stopper, but we’re here to help you find your missing dog as quickly as possible, just like we did for this pet owner:
“The woman who found Sadie took her to the vet and they had the Amber Alert from you. Thank you so much for your help in finding Sadie. She has two broken bones in her foot, but otherwise is doing well and happy to be home.” — Cassandra Afshar
Dog Named Sadie Found with Poster Alert in Ladson, SC
Why is our Pet Amber Alert the best possible way to find a lost dog?
Because we’re the only system combining immediate Poster, Phone and Social Media alerts with an online database where people can search lost dogs and locate you and your contact information.
Our POSTER-BASED ALERT includes a lost dog flyer design featuring a photo of your missing dog, its name, age, breed, color, the last location spotted and your contact information.We fax and e-mail your lost dog poster to up to 500 local pet businesses and organizations within a 10- to 100-mile radius of your home or the location last seen. Pets can travel great distances, so it’s important to distribute the poster to that large of a radius.
This is considerably more effective than the “I Lost My Dog” flyers pet owners put up on their own or a phone-only system. We have the largest and most up-to-date database of pet-related businesses and organizations in the U.S. and Canada. Your local veterinary offices and hospitals, animal shelters, rescue groups and pet stores are among those receiving your “Dog Missing” poster. Animal-control offices also receive the poster long before the designated euthanasia/adoption hold expires.
Our PHONE-BASED LOST DOG ALERT includes sending a personalized recorded message about your missing pet to up to 2,500 neighbors and nearby residents. The message contains a description of your dog, plus additional details such as your contact information.
Because we’re an emergency response service, we’re exempt from the National Do Not Call Registry. That benefit, plus our maintenance of the largest and most accurate database of residential phone numbers in the U.S. and Canada, allows the phone-based alert to reach significantly more people than if you were to make calls yourself.
Our SOCIAL MEDIA ALERT includes an immediate blast to PetAmberAlert.com accounts on Facebook and Twitter. With 21,578PetAmberAlert Facebook fans and growing, your alert will get incredible exposure. Plus it’s an excellent way for you to share the message with your own friends and other direct connections in social media.
Visit our Found Dog Success Stories to see the happy reunions that result from a PetAmberAlert.com alert. Or read our FAQ’s if you have questions.
If you’re trying to find a lost dog, begin the Pet Amber Alert process now for your greatest chance at success.
Our alert system results in an 85% success rate if the alert goes out in the first week… a 75% success rate after two weeks… and a 65% success rate after eight weeks.
We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and welcome all “I Lost My Dog!” alert requests.
When you think of the time this saves you — and the number of pet businesses and neighbors we can reach immediately on your behalf — it’s well worth the investment. The sooner you start, the better.
Reunite with your lost dog today!