Pet's Name: TAROT
Breed: Lilac Point Siamese Color: Lilac point and creamy vanilla white
Age: 6-12 months Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sunrise Children's Hospital Emergency parking lot
3186 South Maryland Pkwy
Las Vegas, NV 89109
Sunrise Children's Hospital
3186 S Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89109
My family and I want to ask for your loving hearts to help us find our boy...Tarot has a special significance in our family and is our emotional support cat. Our days and nights without him have been devastating. Our boy got out in the guest parking lot on the side of the Sunrise Hospital Children's Emergency. He ran to the covered physicians three story parking lot and through to the back side that we know of. There is a brick wall that seperates the physicians covered 3 story parking and the physicians building behind on La Canada Street. Which runs parallel to Maryland parkway the entrance of the hospital. In the back there are five large metal containers that are there for the construction company. In and around these large containers are multiple stray cats and also in the the covered physicians parking lot as well as around the physicians building. One of the Hospitals amazing physicians feeds the cats daily to keep them alive. Thevstaff and security have been alerted. Many of the cats need to be trapped and hopefully be reunited to the families or adopted out to loving homes. Many need veteneray care as they are very sick. We have gone back countless days and nights to look for Tarot and bring him home. I am in need of 3 new surgeries and it's hard for me to physically go look. And it is getting to cold for my family at night when the cats come out more. On the left and right side of the hospital there are two apartment complexes. On the right side there is a man who says he traps the cats and feeds them and let's them go. So he says. We have countless hospital workers call and text us saying they have seen him. We have put posters up and givin out posters to so many. People say yes they have seen him up and down the dirt alley way apartments on the right (corner of Desert Inn and La Canada)We have driven and walked till our bones are hurting and we are out of breath. On the back side on the La Canada side there is a housing track which is another possibility. At this point we are missing our family familiar need him home. Our hearts are broken and this has been a terrible lose. Our car is broken down and we cannot get there as we used to. I disabled and my little family tries hard everyday online and all they can do to find our boy. We feel helpless at this point. Tarot is on Pawboost, Google, we check the shelters everyday and countless cat lost and found groups on Facebook. We have seen him briefly twice and he has been running with other cats. But as of lately we have not. Tarot has a very sweet disposition, loving temperament and loves to talk and purr. Loves to be held and has a very strong love for food. We feel that at this point someone may have him. Everyday is a struggle without him, but we are praying and being g positive he will come home. So this our story of what area in 89109 he should be. If there is anything else we can do to help with more for finding him through your services please let us know. We will do as much and more to have him back in our family. Please feel free to contact us anytime day or night. It doesn't matter we will answer. From the depths of our families soul and heart, we thank you for all you do. You're algels working hard to reunite many precious animals to there families. There need to for more of you in the world. We appreciate you.
Gert, Lisa and Christian
🐾 Luna 🐈 Venus 🐈⬛️ 🐾